Saturday, June 28, 2008

I think I can..I think I can...

Just one month ago I finished the Mountains of Misery century. I didn't go into the ride with a goal but about 20 miles in decided I could finish in 8:30 if I strategized correctly. Not only did I come damn close, 8:45, but I perservered through what felt like imminent death as I gasped for air all the way up the last 4 mile, 2,000 foot climb. I pictured at least five bail out tactics in my head as my heart rate crested what had to be the 200 bpm mark. But I pushed on, I made it to the top and I didn't walk!
I keep telling myself if I could do that, I can do some dinky little 1,500m swim with a mere approximately 300 other people in a nasty river with no current to speak of even if I do have to swim left and I only breathe right. Right?!
To think of hard things and say, "I can't" is sure to mean "Nothing done." To refuse to be daunted and insist on saying, "I think I can," is to make sure of being able to say triumphantly, "I thought I could, I thought I could."
I...think...I...can....I..think..I..can...I.think.I.can..I think I can, I think I can.......


Mary Eggers said...

You got is sister! The furthest space you have to travel is the space between your ears!

Meredith said...

Good attitude!! Thanks for stopping by my blog....I have the problem of "blog reading" more than BLOG"ging"--hehehe! Ya, Yuma is what we AZ refer to as the "armpit"-:O

Its funny cause no matter WHAT time of the year it is there, it is ALWAYS hot in Yuma!! Have a great weekend training..I miss the east coast:)